NeXGen PROFESSIONALS platform committee

Co-Chair - Monika Zietek
Co-Chair - Siobhan McNamara

Create a platform for our members to build relationships, develop professionally, become politically and philanthropically active, and contribute to the economic development and high quality living of our community.

Women’s Platform Committee

Co-Chair - Mindy Lampert
Co-Chair - Liz Elsesser
Co-Chair - Lisa Cohen

Women of Melville Empowerment Network (W.O.M.E.N.) To empower, recognize and inspire women of the Melville Chamber.

Business Resource Platform cOMMITTEE

Co-Chair - Tyler Sloves

Gather with business leaders, members and guests to discuss their challenges and successes with the purpose of finding solutions and resources for each other.

Diversity and inclusion platform Committee

Co-Chair - Shalya Ramos
Co-Chair - Danielle Aquirre

Mission: Encourage, promote, and provide resources for diversity and inclusion in the workplace and the community at large.